Jessica (Williams) Duncan
Jessica is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker Associate with a Master’s Degree in Social Work, focused on trauma-informed care. Jessica has experience working with children, adolescents, and families from diverse backgrounds. Jessica’s experience brings multi-faceted perspectives and understanding on a variety of levels. This includes but is not limited to intensive mental health, behavioral, and trauma interventions with children and adolescents as young as 4 years old, foster care complexities, and adjustments. Whether a disruption in the home or school setting or coming back from a higher level of care setting, adjustments can be daunting. Jessica has experience assisting with significant adjustments as well as self-harm and suicide ideations. Jessica’s passion is to help heal wounds that keep children and adolescents from having healthy attachments and relationships, as well as helping them find purpose and success in life. Jessica aims to partner with parents to help them regain healthy leadership and peace in their homes using positive parenting strategies. She has worked extensively with families to assist with children and adolescent behavior modification. Jessica believes that peace and purpose are grounded in our identity in Christ and is passionate about helping others remove barriers that prevent them from seeing and believing in their true identity and purpose in life.
Posts by Jessica . . .
New Seasons
Fall is my favorite season as the temperatures cool down, school routines have returned now with ease, and the leaves begin to change to vibrant, warm colors. In both the natural and spiritual realms, seasons are so essential and a blessing! Think about how...
How your child’s safety and security is connected to control
Your child may be crying out for you or another caregiver to take charge. You may be thinking, not my child, they want to be in control and insist on having their way. Many parents find themselves frustrated with their children’s behaviors, temper tantrums, and...